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Are you the Owner, CEO or General Manager of a consumer products business?

Thinking about where that growth is going to come from?

Want to expand overseas?

Thinking of acquiring a company or brand?

Or maybe you need to adjust the balance of your business units?

Would you benefit from having someone with whom to share your vision, generate new ideas and formulate an action plan?

We are an independent consultancy specialising in the leisure and entertainment sectors.

We apply lateral, creative thinking to address our clients’ needs.

We have experience of working with many different business models in all sizes of business, from small start-ups to listed companies.

We are experts in marketing and licensing.

We can help you spend your marketing budget more effectively and make more profit from your licensing activity.

We have a network of like-minded professionals that you can tap into.

Check out the Services page for a more detailed breakdown of what we do.